How to Use Red Liner Tape?
There are so many different kinds of tapes available on the market, all of which have different appearances, different functions, different forms, and more. Today we are going to talk about Red Liner Tape and what’s so special about it. Please read on to find out.
What is red liner tape?

Red liner tape is a very low residue tape and is the cleanest tape to remove. It’s popular for use on poly units due to its easy cleanup. It does have some shine, so it’s not recommended for lace units. The liner is red, but the actual tape is clear. The wearing time it offers you is 1-2 weeks. If you are looking for something stronger than day-to-day wear but not for a very long-term hold, this is the one. It is suitable for people who reapply their units in under 2 weeks.
Does Not Work with Lace Base
Am important tip of using red liner tape is that it is not recommended to be used on lace bases because it has some shine and also doesn’t stick to lace very well.
Red liner tapes should be used on skin or poly bases.

Red Liner Tape Makes Your Cleanup a lot Easier
Another important tip of using red liner tapes is that using it together with extended-wear tapes. Firstly, you put one layer of red liner tape onto the skin base, and then apply another layer of extended-wear tapes above.
Still have questions about how to choose and use a tape? Feel free to contact our experts at and we are more than happy to help you out.