Can Taking Antibiotics Cause Hair Loss?
Antibiotics are prescribed worldwide to fight common and life-threatening diseases. Although they can not be ignored in improving overall life span and health, they also bring complications to some patients. Hair loss is a side effect of some antibiotics.
What are antibiotics?
Antibiotics, known as antibiotics, are drugs that destroy or delay the growth of bacteria. They include a variety of compounds that treat a variety of bacterial diseases. Here are some interesting facts about antibiotics:
They were first discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928. Antibiotics can kill or slow down the growth of bacteria. Antibiotics are not resistant to viral infection. Common side effects are nausea and diarrhea.
How do antibiotics cause hair loss?
The relationship between antibiotics and hair loss has been scientifically proved. Antibiotics consume vitamin B and hemoglobin in the body, increasing the risk of anemia. This can lead to hair loss in men and women, and in some cases severe hair loss.
A large number of cases around the world have shown that certain antibiotics can cause hair loss. Although this is only a brief introduction to antibiotics and their causes of hair loss, it is time to learn about the notorious antibiotics that cause hair loss:
Antibiotics causing hair loss
Penicillin (PCN) is a group of antibiotics, including penicillin G, penicillin V, procaine, penicillin and benzathine penicillin. Today, the antibiotic has been widely used, but over time, many bacteria have developed resistance to it. The widely reported side effect of the antibiotic is hair loss.
There is no doubt that penicillin is a revolutionary antibiotic that can help treat many diseases, but persistent penicillin has been reported to cause hair loss in some patients.
Erythromycin is widely used in Chlamydia infection, pelvic inflammation, respiratory tract infection, skin infection and syphilis. However, patients report hair loss after long-term use of erythromycin.
The side effect of erythromycin is not only hair loss, but also blue skin in some cases. If you use medicine to treat bacterial infection, please pay attention to side effects and report to your doctor as soon as possible!
Clindamycin oral capsules or topical use are prescription drugs. As a general drug, it can be used to treat or prevent many infections, such as severe middle ear infections and bacterial sinus infections.
Although clindamycin is an effective antibiotic for these infections, it also has some side effects. These include moderate to severe hair loss, rashes, itching, blisters, skin discoloration, and other skin or scalp related diseases.
Cefalexin, also used as Cefalexin, is an antibiotic that can treat many bacterial infections. It destroys the growth of bacterial cell walls to treat diseases, but sometimes causes hair loss in the process.
The drug indirectly causes hair loss. Cefalexin reactions sometimes cause diarrhea. Lack of body fluid can lead to the depletion of nutrients in hair follicles, leading to the weakening of hair bundles. Many other antibiotics are said to cause hair loss, but more than five antibiotics have been clinically proven to reduce hairline in men and women.
When antibiotics cause hair loss, it is best to consult your doctor and discuss alternatives to other prescription drugs. If you don’t choose a drug, it’s best to eliminate temporary hair loss by taking better care of your hair and using a hair transplant system!