Everything There Is To Know About Hair Loss In Men
If you believe your hairline recedes even more, every time you run your fingers through your hair, know that you’re not alone. According to a reliable estimate, nearly 50% of men experience loss of hair.
Don’t consider hair fall to be a middle-aged guy’s problem, as it can happen to anyone. Why? It’s usually something you tend to blame on your family tree, but several factors contribute to hair fall as well. That said, you need to educate yourself about hair loss and its treatments. Once you’re armed with facts, you can make an informed decision about what you’re going to do with your hair.
Here, we’ll be sharing everything there is to know about hair loss on top of the head male, including the remedies and tricks to avoid this problem.
Facts About Hair Loss In Men
Before we get to the remedies, here are some myths we need to bust regarding hair fall in men.
· 50% of your hair may be lost before you know it.
Ignoring the early signs of hair loss is a major and most common mistake. You need to be on the lookout for hair loss at the crown or recession at your hairline. If the hairs in those parts are getting wispier and shorter, it is time to take action. When a hair follicle starts generating small, finer hairs, the follicle stops making new hair, leading to tremendous hair loss.
· Half of America’s population of men suffers from male pattern baldness.
Hair loss is very common, and by the age of 36, two-quarters of American men are bound to experience some obvious signs of hair thinning. Additionally, by the age of 60, 80% of men will lose a massive amount of their hair.
· Many men are unaware of the causes of hair loss.
If you believe that your hair loss is because of your mother’s genes – grow up. While genetics are the most prevalent causes of hair fall, these genes can come from both or either biological parents, not just the mother.
· It is okay to lose 60-100 strands of hair each day.
This happens due to a natural growth cycle consisting of four stages: growth, transitional, resting, and shedding. If you’re losing more than 100 strands of hair each day, you could be having male pattern baldness.
· Surgical hair repair is socially acceptable.
Based on an online survey by the International Society of Hair Restoration, surgically restoring hair is better accepted now than in the past. That said, you are allowed to change your hair and your appearance to remain in style – and it is pivotal for your overall wellness and health.
Medical Treatments
Often, medication isn’t enough to prevent hair loss. There are some surgical procedures available to treat baldness in men. Here’s some of them:
1. Hair Transplant
Hair transplant surgery includes moving tiny plugs of skin, each with some hair, to the bald parts of your head.
This works well for men with inherited baldness since they usually lose their hair from the top. Because this type of hair loss is ongoing, you would require numerous surgeries with time.
2. Scalp Reduction
In this form of treatment, a surgeon takes out the part of your scalp with no hair. Then, the surgeon closes the area with a tiny piece of your scalp with a decent amount of hair. Another possibility is a flap, in which your doctor folds a scalp that contains hair over a bald spot. This is called scalp reduction.
Furthermore, tissue expansion is also a great option to cover baldness. However, it requires two surgeries. In the first one, the doctor positions a tissue expander over a part of your scalp with less hair and next to the bald area. After a few days, the expander springs the part of your scalp that contains hair.
In the second surgery, your doctor will remove the expander and pull out the expanded area of the scalp with hair on top of the bald spot.
There are plenty of other options when it comes to treating hair loss in men; however, they carry risks such as:
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Patchy hair growth
- Wide scars
In some cases, grafts might also reject, leading to the repetition of the surgery.
Natural Remedies for Hair Growth in Men
The following three remedies may boost hair growth:
1. Eating protein
Consuming high-protein foods, such as nuts can help you grow new hair. To grow new hair, your body requires protein. Hair loss can arise due to a lack of protein. So be sure to add the following ingredients to your diet plan:
- Fish
- Beans
- Nuts
- Eggs
- Seeds
- Lean meats
Moreover, an individual’s daily protein intake may vary based on how much muscle mass they contain or how physically active they are.
2. Oiling & Massaging
Regularly with hair-friendly treatments and shampoos for your hair loss, brushing hair every day to increase blood circulation, and routine trims also help. In addition, oiling hair every so often, using anti-dandruff items like condition and shampoo, and lastly, hair musk or cream can help you take care of your receding hairline.
3. Increase iron intake
Iron is yet another nutrient that the body requires to grow healthy and glossy hair. Some effective dietary iron sources are:
- Lentils
- Spinach
- Clams
- Pumpkin seeds
- White beans
- Oysters
- Turkey
- Lean beef
Many brands also fortify their products with iron, so buying iron-enriched foods might also be a good addition.
As you can see, there are ways to halt or even reverse hair loss with forceful treatment, particularly if it’s due to an underlying medical condition. On the other hand, hereditary hair loss on top of the head male may be more difficult to manage. However, certain treatments such as hair transplants can help reduce the arrival of baldness. So ensure to talk to your doctor and explore your options. Also, if you want to take the natural route to hairiness, you have many options – some of them are listed in this post.