Inspecting Your New Hair System
Congratulations on receiving your new hair system, and for being proactive in finding a solution for your hair loss! Even if you don’t intend to wear it right away, it’s important to promptly inspect your system, so you can take advantage of our 30-day 100% guarantee if there are any problems.
Understandably, if you’re new to wearing hair, you may not feel very confident inspecting your own hair system. Still, we recommend you follow the guidelines below so you know what to look for and can better assess future systems.
Inspect these elements first
Your hair system has traveled many miles before reaching you, so it’s common for it to look different than you anticipate when you initially remove it from the box. As you begin to work with it, wash it, and attach it, it will likely look very different.
Base type
Look at the base of your hair system to make sure it is the material you ordered. Also, if you ordered any specific base designs, such as a poly perimeter or reinforced sewing lines, make sure they are there.
Base size
To check that your base is correctly sized, flip it inside out and pin it to a Styrofoam head. Measure it from front to back and left to right to make sure it matches the dimensions of your template. You can also determine correct base size by placing the system on your head and aligning it in the bonding area, if you already have a shaved head.
Checking density will be a bit challenging the first time you receive a hair system, because you have no basis for comparison. Nonetheless, check to see if the density meets your expectations by running your fingers through the hair, and parting it to see if you are satisfied with the amount of hair that is ventilated to the base. If you ordered a high definition hairline, make sure it was done. This step will be easier when you actually try the system on, which we’ll cover later.
If you requested bleached knots, check to make sure this was done. By parting the hair and laying the base down flat on your hand, you can judge the color of the knots against your skin tone. Bleached knots don’t become completely invisible; they’re usually a shade lighter than the system’s hair color.
Length and cut
Measure from the base to the tip of the hair in various locations to see if it is the correct length. If you requested your system be cut, styled and blended, make sure this was done and meets your expectations.
Color and gray percentage
To ensure the hair matches the color you ordered, look at the color of your system in different types of lighting, including a well-lit room and in sunlight. If you requested that gray be added into your color, make sure it looks as you expected.
Look at your hair system in different lighting conditions to confirm that highlights were added. Part the hair in various areas and move it around to make certain the highlights are accurate throughout the system.
Hair quality and texture
Touch the hair in your system to see how it feels to you. If it feels dry or brittle, or if the hair seems to be of poor quality, give your hair tech a call.
Obvious flaws
Check your hair system and base thoroughly to make sure there are no tears, holes or frayed lace. These imperfections will only worsen over time, so it’s important to call your hair tech and take advantage of your 30-day guarantee.
Special requests
If you requested any specific modifications or additions to your base, such as extra lace or a widow’s peak, ensure they were included to your liking.
Rinse your hair system
If you ordered any type of wave or curl in your hair, washing the system will make it evident if they were added to your specifications. Unless you have a pre-taped disposable or a pre-glued thin skin system, rinse the hair system to get a better idea of the style and direction of the hair.
Try it on
Once you’ve washed your system and given it a chance to air dry, go ahead and try it on. It is necessary for your head to be shaved and prepped for attachment prior to trying on your system. Whether you are new to hair replacement or have previously had a hair system professionally attached, Preparing Your New System for Attachment will guide you in the steps to take. Once your hair system is on, make sure it fits properly and contours to the shape of your head. This is also a good time to check that the ventilation style and direction are to your specifications.
If there is a problem
In the event that your hair system does not meet your expectations, take photographs of the problem areas and call or email you hair tech. Even if you need or want to keep the system, give your hair tech a clear description of what’s wrong along with the photographs, so we can fix the issues on your next order.
If you are certain you want to return your hair system for a remake or refund, please follow the instructions provided on the Guarantee page.
Returning an order
With our 30-day money back guarantee, you can return your hair system if there are any problems. You have the option to return your order for a refund or request a new system with the changes you’re looking for. Our website provides more details and instructions on the 30-day guarantee page.