Ben’s Experience of Hair Transplant and Hair Replacement
Recent studies show 40% of men having noticeable hair loss by the age of 35 and this number increasing to 65% by the age of 60, and finally 80% by the age of 80. Moreover, 3 out of 5 people who are experiencing hair loss would rather have more hair than money or friends. It can be very frustrating when you notice increasing hair loss with no idea how to solve it.
Ben started to lose his hair in his mid-twenties, and he had tried everything that was available on the market to solve his thinning hair.
In order to stop his hair loss spreading, Ben tried many solutions at the very beginning including taking treatments such as Rogaine, Propecia and even using DHT Inhibiting shampoos. The results were minimal and he gave up to try other options.
In his late 20’s, Ben decided he wanted a hair transplant. For such a young age, he was looking for natural hair instead of a wig. He researched doctors and finally found a clinic with a great reputation. He had the hair transplant performed and after four months, the result turned out to be wonderful. The new hair blended in with the rest of his hair perfectly. Ben was over the moon.
However, a year on, Ben began to lose hair again. He had to return for more transplant procedures to fill in his bald spots, but the result was not good anymore. The theory of a hair transplant is to remove the hair and follicle from one part of the scalp (usually in the lower back part of the head) and transplant it to a new place where you need the hair. If you don’t have enough hair follicles to transplant, the procedure cannot be done. Ben took another 3 rounds of transplants, but he was not happy with the results.
Ben investigated other solutions because he couldn’t accept himself having thin hair. He did some research and made some calls and finally found a salon who were experienced in applying hair systems.
Ben went to the salon as appointed and was given a lot information on hair systems. At first, he felt overwhelmed by the many different hair colors, textures, glues and tapes. Ben hesitated and went back home and stayed in his house for two whole days because he did not feel confident in how he looked. Every time Ben looked in the mirror, he felt he looked 10 years older than his own age. So, he finally decided to give hair systems a try.
Ben went to the salon again where the stylists measured his head for him making a template for the hair system. They told him to come back when the hair system was ready. Two weeks later, Ben was told the hair was ready and he went in to have the hair system applied to his head. they also cut a hairstyle that Ben wanted. The result turned out to be better than he was expecting. Ben looked 10 years younger and he was thrilled.
Ben says: “A Hair transplant is not a miracle cure. It is an ideal result if you can get your hair back four months after the procedure. Unfortunately, I know dozens and dozens of guys that are like me and have had the procedures and they failed. Even if it is a success, the hair will lose as your age. On the other hand, a hair replacement system is the way to go to get immediate gratification. One thing about a hair system is that it requires upkeep. You need to clean it, re-bond it, style it a little bit. Actually, this is a good thing and you need to embrace it. You know girls go and have their nails done or silicone implants. So, for us guys, it is a nice thing trying to improve our quality of life by doing a thing about our hair loss. ”
DISCLAIMER: This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your doctor or qualified healthcare professional with questions you may have regarding a medical condition.